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Harvesting Your Sexual Energy and Employing Sex Transmutation/Sublimation/Magic – Part 2

Writer's picture: marla reneemarla renee

In the last blog, I talked briefly about how I’m able to do the things that I do by channeling my sexual energy. While we all might have our different ways of channeling our energy, here are my ways (and ways of some others) that you can channel your sexual energy into productive energy that ignites you to your true potential.

1) WRITE DOWN AT LEAST 4 POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS THAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE AND FRAME THEM IN THE PRESENT TENSE. Say these affirmations out loud when you wake up (or during your prayer/meditation) and before you go to sleep. It helps to have a sex-positive affirmation, such as “I am sexy” or “I have a healthy and happy sex life.” Do your best to memorize them and say them as often as you want (with the minimum being two). A lot of the times that we are stagnant in our lives is because we lack goals and/or lack ways to accomplish those goals and give up on dreaming big. When we implement these into the Universe, we are essentially integrating our personal goals and locking them in place.

2) PRAY/REQUEST FROM THE UNIVERSE/GOD WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE AND FRAME IT POSITIVELY. In other words, instead of saying, “Can you please help my grandma recover from her sickness?”, you can say “Can you please give my grandma strength, courage and healing through this process?” A lot of times when we pray or request for help, we focus on the negative aspect of it and we frame our request in that way. However, if you pray or request your help and frame it in a positive way, the Universe comes together to get you what you desire. It’s difficult if you’re not used to speaking this way, but after awhile, you will definitely get the hang of it. I meditate and pray every single day. It doesn’t take that long to take 20 minutes out of your day (10 in the morning, 10 in the evening) to conjure up your desires.

3) HAVE SEX AND MASTURBATE WITH MODERATION. Sex has so many great healthy effects, including fostering that sexual energy to manage your creativity and productivity. As humans, we get caught up because of the sexual repression of society combined with the hypersexuality of the media, so we’re constantly bombarded with all types of sexual energy. If you are an anxious person, the feeling of wanting to relieve that sexual pressure can be a lot. For instance, whenever I had a big paper or a huge deadline, my sexual energy would be so intense that I would be pushed pass the point of focus and would have to use my sexual energy in a sexual way. That way, the excess energy that I have can be used to focus on whatever needs to be done.

4) USE YOUR SEXUAL POWER EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you don’t know what your sexual power looks like, I encourage you to meditate on it and write down what your favorite qualities are about yourself. For instance, if you like reading books, maybe you could share a passage with someone or make a recommendation from the book. If your sexual power is something physical, like your eyes, you can purposely stare in a sexual or slightly sexual way (that’s not creepy) towards someone and recognize that you’ve used your power. Some of us are natural flirts and some of us have to try a little hard to flirt well. However, as long as you’re using it, you’re exercising your power, and when you’re exercising your power, the better you’ll be at it. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Starting with these few techniques will change your life. When you start saying your affirmations, your subconscious and the Universe/God get together to make them happen for you. By practicing and harvesting your sexual energy, not only will you be happier, but you will be more confident, more sure in your decisions and better responsive to your intuition. Your aura will shine bright and opportunities will constantly present themselves to you. I have to say, THIS IS A WONDERFUL WAY TO LIVE.

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